Meeting Goals and Achieving Law School Dreams at South Carolina Law School


The South Carolina Law School, established in 1867 in Columbia, South Carolina, trains students for careers in Law and is one of the best law schools in South Carolina. It’s on the University of South Carolina campus and also gives interns and networkers access to government bodies, attorneys, and courts like absolutely no other. Through rigorous academics and hands-on experience with moot court competitions, centers, and externship programs, graduates are equipped for success in different legal areas.

Having distinguished alumni in government, private practice, business law, public interest groups, and academia, South Carolina Law School offers the tools and instruction to succeed as prosecutors, lawyers, company professionals, or advocates for the public good.

University of South Carolina School of Law building

South Carolina Law School Ranking

Rankings reflect just how well a law school is viewed by professionals and peers, often by faculty quality, student results, and resources. Rankings can enable you to make the correct decision regarding law schools. Select a law school that fits your academic and career objectives when applying to law schools.

The rankings for South Carolina Law School in the table below represent a snapshot of its position when compared with other law schools. 

USNW Best Law Schools #60
Business/Corporate Law #60
Clinical Training #25
Constitutional Law #97
Contracts/Commercial Law #80
Criminal Law #73
Environmental Law #71
Health Care Law #79
Intellectual Property Law #123
International Law #127
Tax Law #50
Trial Advocacy #15

4 Law Degrees You Can Pursue at South Carolina Law School

Starting your legal education journey at South Carolina Law School opens doors to numerous degree choices to fit your career goals. The following are some of the best majors for law school. Whether you wish to be a practicing lawyer, broaden your legal knowledge, or refresh your legal foundation – there is a program for you.

1. Juris Doctor (JD) Program

The JD program at South Carolina Law School prepares you for a career in Law by offering the legal information and practical skills you need to get started. When you graduate, you could work in individual companies, federal agencies, and corporate settings. With this degree, you turn into a qualified attorney and advocate for justice in society.

2. Master of Laws (LLM) Program

With the LLM program, you can add experience in particular legal areas beyond what you learned in your JD studies. This program lets you specialize in fields like tax law, environmentally friendly law, or maybe intellectual property law. Regardless of whether you wish to develop inside your present role or even transfer right into a brand new field of law, the LLM degree equips you with all the knowledge and abilities to succeed.

3. Master of Laws for International Lawyers (LLM-IL) Program

Developed for overseas lawyers only, the LLM IL program offers you the rare chance to get a hold of the U.S. legal system and its nuances. Studying at South Carolina Law School opens your legal profession to the world. Right after graduating, you could work in global law firms, multinational corporations, or federal organizations with your specific knowledge or cultural understanding.

4. Master of Studies in Law (MSL) Program

The MSL program was created for non-lawyers who wish to improve their awareness of legal principles impacting their professions. Regardless if you work in healthcare, education, or business, this program will give you legal skills and knowledge to help you navigate legal matters in your market. Having an MSL from South Carolina Law School, you can improve your profession, lead, and tackle legitimate problems in your industry.

South Carolina Law School Stats

As an aspiring Law student, key numbers about South Carolina law school can enable you to make informed Law School choices. These numbers show you the school’s students, and staff, along with facilities, and help you determine whether it is the best choice for your legal training course. It’s important to know figures like class sizes, student-to-faculty ratios, and employment results to help you apply with confidence and clarity.

University of South Carolina School of Law LSAT Median 159
South Carolina Law Median GPA 3.61
University of SC Law School Acceptance Rate 37.60%
South Carolina Law School Ranking No. 60 in Best Law Schools
University of South Carolina Law School Tuition $41,500 to $61,001
SC Law School Bar Passage Rate 82%

A Law School graduate smiling in the middle of a crowd.

Crucial Application Requirements for the University of South Carolina Law School

For Law students applying to South Carolina Law School, knowing the requirements is crucial. Knowing these requirements and the way to fulfill them will help your application success. Read this listicle to see the key application requirements and how to enhance your candidacy for admission.


This calls for a competitive LSAT score of a median of 159 plus a 3.61 or even higher GPA. Attaining these scores shows your academic potential and readiness to succeed in law school and strengthens your general program.

2. Law School Application Timeline

For the University of South Carolina Law School, the application features a rolling admission schedule through March 1, 2024. Follow the law school’s application timeline to boost your odds of admission. Submit all needed materials (LSAT scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation) by the specific deadlines. By meeting these deadlines, you show organization and dedication to the admissions process.

3. Law School Letter of Recommendation

Get compelling law school letters of recommendation from people who know your academic strengths, work ethic, and potential for law school success. Select recommenders who know you well and who can provide context regarding your character and credentials. Strong letters of recommendation demonstrate your credibility as a candidate and your admission ability.

4. Law School Personal Statement

Create a law school personal statement relating to your motives, experiences, and goals in getting a legal education. Highlight your distinctive attributes, perspectives, and achievements making you a candidate stand out. An excellent personal statement goes beyond your academic record and also creates an impression on admissions committees and enhances your application.

5. Law School Resume

Make a law school resume that emphasizes your academics, extracurricular activities, job experience, and abilities. Tailor it to highlight experiences demonstrating your commitment to the legal field and possible contributions to the University of South Carolina Law School community. A well-written resume provides admissions committees insight into your qualifications and supports your admission candidacy.

6. Letter of Continued Interest for Law School

Submit a Law School Letter of Continued Interest describing your interest in law, your academic record, and your fit for their program. Address the admissions committee professionally and say you remain interested in their school. Include related happenings, internships, and extracurricular pursuits that demonstrate your dedication to law. Highlight unique qualities you have. Ensure your letter is concise and error-free. Meeting these requirements demonstrates your sincere commitment and enhances your application and chances of acceptance.

SC Law School Tuition and Scholarships

The Carolina Law Research Scholars program at the University of South Carolina School of Law enables you to do scholarly research alongside your legal studies. Yet with law school prices which range from USD 41,500 to USD 61,001 yearly, finances are a consideration. These costs impact your education and financial future. But financial aid like law school scholarships can help relieve that pain. You must be considered a top academic performer, a scholar of Research or a gifted writer to be considered for the Carolina Law Research Scholars program. A minimum GPA and involvement in research are likewise required. Taking advantage of scholarships and programs like Carolina Law Research Scholars can provide needed financial help and enhance your educational path toward a legal career.

Lawyer Salary After Law School

How much do lawyers make out of law school? Data from US News and World Report indicates that lawyer salaries out of law school can vary considerably by location, employer, and specialization. Entry-level attorneys can expect to earn roughly USD 75,000 to USD 160,000 yearly. But salaries can begin as low as USD 45,000 in certain regions and climb to well over USD 180,000 at huge law firms. Also, individuals with careers in business law or big companies command better-starting salaries than those in public service or smaller firms. Even when a law degree can provide huge salary increases, bear in mind the variations in salary scales between people and professions.

Proven LSAT Tips for Success at USC School of Law SC

Looking to crack the LSAT and enter SC Law School? With Odyssey Test Prep on your side, you receive expert guidance and top-notch LSAT Prep services. Prep for the LSAT with these five tips and enter SC Law School successfully!

  • Start Early with an Admissions Roadmap

Make early preparations for the LSAT and SC Law School admission with the Admissions Roadmap. Set goals and due dates, break down study material, schedule regular sessions, and track progress with practice tests. This roadmap from Odyssey Test Prep was created for personalized guidance to boost your LSAT score. Follow these steps to crack the LSAT and also enhance your SC Law School application.

  • Utilize Quality LSAT Prep Course Resources

Take an LSAT prep course from proven experts like Odyssey Test Prep for expert assistance and study materials. Enroll in our LSAT Prep Course today and unlock your full potential with expert guidance and comprehensive resources. These are resources intended to allow you to learn the LSAT and develop test-taking strategies.

  • Practice Regularly

The LSAT requires consistent practice. Spend time each day working on LSAT practice questions and full-length practice tests. This helps in comprehending the test, time management, and confidence.

  • Seek Personalized Support with LSAT Tutoring

Consider LSAT tutoring for personalized guidance. Maximize your potential with personalized LSAT Tutoring, tailored to your strengths and weaknesses for optimal performance on test day. Our LSAT tutors can offer personalized guidance, deal with your personal difficulty areas, and also offer feedback on your performance.

  • Leverage Application Support with Law School Admissions Consulting

Secure your spot in the law school of your dreams with our Law School Admissions Consulting services, guiding you through the application process for a competitive edge. These services will help you create a rounded personal statement, obtain letters of recommendation, and market yourself to be a competitive person.


The information supplied offers a general introduction to the South Carolina Law School admissions procedure. Factors like tuition costs, available scholarships, and the Carolina Law Research Scholars program can affect how you decide to study Law. The LSAT tips emphasize early preparation, quality resources, and personalized support to boost your chances of success. Furthermore, the mention of law school applications consulting emphasizes the value of seeking expert guidance in crafting a compelling application.

Consider Odyssey Test Prep for support as you prepare yourself to apply to SC Law School. Their LSAT preparation classes, tutoring, and law school applications consulting will give you the resources and techniques to succeed. With the overall performance and experience of Odyssey Test Prep, you can now apply competitively to South Carolina Law School, along with LSAC admissions help.

Remember, with hard work and the proper assistance, you’re prepared to start your legal training at SC Law School.

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