Our Guarantee

If you do the work, we guarantee you’ll get results!

Perfect Fit Guarantee. Each Package providing for Tutoring Hours comes with Odyssey’s “Perfect Fit Guarantee” as described in this paragraph. In the event you purchase a Package with a Perfect Fit Guarantee, after your initial tutoring session with one of Odyssey’s tutors, you may notify us by email to [email protected] prior to your next scheduled tutoring session that you would like a different tutor for any reason or no reason. In such event, we will provide you with a new tutor and your initial tutoring session will not count toward your Tutoring Hours. In the event that you are not happy with or satisfied with the second tutor we provide you, you may, prior to your next scheduled tutoring session, reach out to [email protected] to request a full refund of the purchase price of your Package.

Score Increase Guarantee. Each Tutoring Package providing for 15 Tutoring Hours or more comes with Odyssey’s “Score Increase Guarantee” as described in this paragraph. In the event that you purchase a Package with a Score Increase Guarantee and have an official LSAT score on record then we will compare that to the highest of either your practice tests or your actual LSAT score after having completed all of your tutoring hours purchased within your package (you must take the official LSAT after the completion of your tutoring package and submit your score to qualify). In the event that you purchase a Package with a Score Increase Guarantee and you do not have an official LSAT score on record then we will compare your diagnostic practice test score to your highest practice test score during your study time within your package and/or after having completed all of your tutoring hours purchased within your package (you must take at least 1 practice test after completing all of your tutoring hours to qualify). You must, during your tutoring package,  complete at least 12 full-length, fully timed, official LSAT Preptests in order to qualify for this guarantee. You must complete all work assigned by your tutor during your tutoring package in order to qualify for this guarantee. In the event you wish to avail of this guarantee then you must email [email protected] and furnish the results of your 12 full-length, fully timed, official LSAT Preptests and a copy of your official LSAT Score. You must also supply any documentation requested to verify that you completed all the work assigned by your tutor during your tutoring package. If all information is approved and your score did not increase given the stipulations above, we will issue a full refund of your package price.

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