Laying the Foundation: Which Majors for Law School Boost Your Admission Chances?


What is the best undergraduate major for law school? This question often lingers in the minds of aspiring law students. The key to a successful law career begins with selecting the most appropriate major during undergraduate studies.

Indeed, making the right choice plays a pivotal role in shaping one’s path in the legal world. This article will be your guide in choosing the best majors for law school that will meet your needs, interests, and goals.

Does Your Major Matter for Law School?

Law school admissions don’t necessitate specific prerequisites or majors for law school. The primary pillars guiding law school admissions are your GPA and LSAT score.

The ABA doesn’t specifically endorse any undergraduate majors as a direct pipeline for legal education. Law schools open their doors to students from a myriad of academic backgrounds. You might opt for traditional pre-law subjects like history, English, philosophy, political science, or economics.

Conversely, you might tread a less conventional path, majoring in art, music, the sciences, computer science, engineering, nursing, or even education. The key is to immerse yourself in subjects that genuinely captivate you while honing your research and writing prowess. While there’s no stringent requirement to pick a specific major, your choice can subtly influence the law school admissions process.

The Significance of Selecting the Appropriate Major for Law School

Before diving headfirst into any major, it’s essential to understand why this choice carries weight. Think of your undergraduate major as the foundation of your house; if it’s strong and relevant, the rest of the structure (your law career) stands tall and proud.

The best major for law school is one that gels with your personal interests enhances your critical thinking, and gets you familiar with aspects of society and its rules. It’s not just about picking good majors for law school but about finding the one that aligns with your unique strengths and future aspirations.

Book on the table with the words "The Law" on the cover.

Best Majors to Get Into Law School

Major Category


Mean High LSAT

Median High LSAT


Median UGPA

% Admitted

% Enrolled

OTHER: ANY AREA NOT LISTED ANY AREA NOT LISTED – OTHER 151.35 151.00 3.31 3.39 58.1% 50.0%
BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT ECONOMICS 161.71 162.00 3.52 3.62 78.2% 65.8%
ARTS & HUMANITIES ENGLISH 157.30 157.00 3.49 3.60 76.3% 66.2%
SOCIAL SCIENCES HELPING PROFESSIONS HISTORY 158.95 159.00 3.50 3.62 79.1% 68.6%
ARTS & HUMANITIES PHILOSOPHY 159.47 160.00 3.49 3.60 75.5% 64.8%
ARTS & HUMANITIES ARTS & HUMANITIES – OTHER 156.64 157.00 3.47 3.58 72.8% 61.4%
ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMUNICATIONS 154.17 154.00 3.39 3.39 70.6% 60.1%

Choosing the best undergraduate major for law school depends on individual circumstances, as different degrees can provide relevant skills and knowledge for a legal career.

The Admissions Committee doesn’t prioritize any particular academic background or major. However, there are several disciplines that prospective law school applicants often come from. These disciplines inherently stress key abilities such as critical reading and writing, problem-solving, research expertise, and oral communication and listening capabilities. These skills are pivotal for thriving in law school, succeeding in the bar exam, and in actual legal work.

Top 10 Most Common Majors for Law School

Based on a 2022 Law School Admission Council (LSAC) report, the 10 most common majors for law school applicants are the following:

1. Political Science

As the study of government systems, political ideologies, and the nuances of legislation, political science offers a direct window into the machinery of law-making. This major can lay a strong foundation for understanding constitutional law, international relations, and the dynamics of governmental decision-making, making it a favorite for many aspiring lawyers.

2. “Other” Majors

A catch-all category for diverse topics outside the standard list. These majors offer varied perspectives and skills, enriching the applicant pool with innovative solutions in the legal domain.

3. Psychology

At its core, the legal profession involves understanding people – their motivations, decisions, and behaviors. With a psychology major, students gain a deep understanding of human behavior, cognition, and social dynamics. This can be particularly useful in family law, criminal defense, or any legal arena where understanding human behavior can be pivotal.

4. Criminal Justice

This major immerses students in law enforcement, judicial processes, and corrections. Beyond theory, many programs offer firsthand experiences, like internships at local law enforcement agencies or courts. Such exposure can be invaluable for those considering careers in criminal law, providing a practical understanding of the justice system’s inner workings.

5. Economics

In an increasingly globalized world, many legal cases intersect with economic principles. Whether it’s understanding the intricacies of a business merger, dissecting financial fraud, or assessing economic damages in civil suits, a grounding in economics can be a significant asset in the legal world.

6. English

Legal briefs, contracts, and courtroom arguments demand impeccable language skills. English majors not only become proficient in written and verbal communication but also learn to interpret and analyze complex texts. This analytical prowess and the ability to communicate ideas effectively translate directly to many legal tasks.

7. History

Exploring history goes beyond memorizing dates and events, it involves understanding how societies, cultures, and legal systems have evolved over time. Historians develop a knack for identifying patterns and understanding the socio-political contexts that have influenced legal decisions. This analytical skill and deep contextual understanding provide a rich backdrop for future legal studies and practice.

8. Philosophy

Philosophy challenges students to dissect complex ethical dilemmas, debate moral imperatives, and develop structured, logical arguments. These skills are central to many legal scenarios, from constructing a case argument to interpreting legal ethics.

9. Arts & Humanities

Focuses on human culture and society. Students learn to critically analyze, understand diverse viewpoints, and communicate effectively, making them attuned to nuances in international law, intellectual property, and social justice law.

10. Sociology

Centers on the study of societies and human behavior. Students deeply understand societal dynamics and relationships, offering unique insights into family and human rights law.

While no single major guarantees success in law school or a legal career, these majors provide foundational knowledge and skills that can be invaluable in the legal field. When choosing a path, aspiring law students should consider what is popular and what genuinely interests them and aligns with their career aspirations.

Unconventional Majors for Law School Applicants: 2022 Edition

Law schools receive applications from students of diverse educational backgrounds yearly. While some undergraduate courses might be expected to lead to legal careers, others are quite surprising. 

Here’s a list of some unexpected majors from the 2022 law school applicants:

  • Astronomy
  • Agronomy
  • Dentistry
  • Forestry
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Home Economics
  • Systems Control Engineering
  • Speech

Skills Needed to Excel in Law School and Beyond

Success in law school and the legal profession goes beyond academics. Other factors matter. Being a good lawyer often boils down to mastering specific skills, regardless of the law school undergraduate major one might come from.

A lawyer must carefully examine cases, analyze extensive documents, and gather information from various sources. They must comprehend, interpret, and effectively communicate this data.  

According to the American Bar Association, if you’re eyeing a career in law, you should focus on building the following abilities:

  • Problem-solving
  • Critical Reasoning
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing Abilities
  • Good Communication Skills
  • Research
  • Management and Organization
  • Public Service Orientation
  • Building Professional Connections

While joining extracurricular activities like the debate club can polish your argument and presentation skills, internships at law offices can give you a taste of the real-world application of the law.

Beginning with Advance Placement (AP) courses in high school is a good start, but focusing on the top majors for law school during college will truly enhance your knowledge and set you apart as a strong candidate for law school. By exploring these areas and challenging yourself, you can become a law school student and an exceptional lawyer.

How to Get Ready Regardless of Your Major for Law School

No matter the major you pursue, here are crucial guidelines to follow during your undergraduate journey:

  • Be Strategic About Your Course Selection 

The classes you pick are significant in your law school application. Opt for courses that push you out of your comfort zone and highlight your academic versatility.

  • Prioritize Your GPA

Allocate sufficient time to each subject to ensure you maintain a commendable GPA. Remember, alongside the LSAT score, your GPA is a cornerstone of your application. When you’re passionate about your major, you will likely excel in courses that intrigue you.

  • Dedicate Time to LSAT Prep 

Your LSAT Success Starts Here! While we’re on the topic of the LSAT, setting aside dedicated study time for the test is pivotal. Consider enrolling in an LSAT prep course. While subjects like philosophy and logic might give you an edge, specific LSAT preparation ensures you score well.

group of college students looking at laptop blue overlay

Mastering Law School Prep: A Guide to LSAT Success with Odyssey Test Prep

Is law school hard? Yes. Your undergraduate majors play an important role in developing the skills that will help you prepare for law school. Law school is still challenging even if your undergraduate major is one of the best pre-law courses. Similarly, students from diverse academic backgrounds, even those that aren’t traditional law school paths, will find law school rigorous. 

You need a good law school GPA and LSAT score to increase your chances of getting into your dream law school. Enrolling in an LSAT Prep Course can give you an edge. With such a service, you’ll benefit from structured lessons, practice exams, and feedback on your performance, helping you identify and improve your weak points.

You can opt for LSAT tutoring if you want a one-on-one consultation with an expert LSAT tutor. This offers personalized lessons targeting your needs and challenges, ensuring a more focused preparation.

Law School Admissions Consulting is the best way for those seeking guidance throughout the law school application process. They’ll provide insights about the LSAT scores and law school GPA benchmarks you need to aim for and help you prepare for the law school requirements of your chosen institution. Consult with Experts on the Best Majors to Secure Your Future! 

FAQs: Majors for Law School

For full-time students, law school normally lasts three years. However, some institutions offer a faster two-year track requiring continuous enrollment, while part-time programs often extend to four years.

On average, over a three-year period, law students might spend between $88,830 (public school, in-state tuition) to over $159,102 (private institutions). When factoring in tuition and living costs for three years, the total expense can average around $206,178.

  • What majors are most accepted to law school?

Based on recent surveys, key undergraduate degrees that stand out for law school admissions include critical reading, logical reasoning, and analytical reasoning-related majors.


When looking at majors for law school, it’s more than just ticking boxes. It’s about setting the stage for a successful legal career. Your undergraduate choices lay the foundation for what’s to come. To ensure you’re on the right track, don’t hesitate to reach out and consult with experts on the best majors. Their guidance can be invaluable in helping you make choices that align with your dreams.

At Odyssey Test Prep, we understand and cater to the diverse needs of our students. We ensure that each student gets a holistic preparation experience. Not only do we help you master the LSAT content, but we also instill the confidence and strategy needed to ace the test. Plus, with our LSAT Free Consultation, you can get a feel of our teaching approach and resources without any commitment. Ready to confidently tackle the LSAT? Enroll with us today!


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