“Dave was such a great and patient tutor who determined my strengths and targeted my weaknesses effectively. Highly recommend and thank you!”

“LSAT expertise aside, Jon is simply a great person. Over and over again, Jon convinces me that he is committed to my success.”

“I began in the upper 140s and peaked in the low 160s. After just 8 hours I was able to reach 170s and walked into the test with confidence.”
Guaranteed, unrivaled in-person LSAT tutors in San Francisco! Odyssey LSAT Tutoring has helped hundreds of students in the Bay Area improve their LSAT scores by more than 20 points. Our LSAT tutors, who provide one-on-one attention, are highly skilled, successful educators who consistently exceed our students’ expectations.
- We’ve helped hundreds of students get admitted to top 10 law schools including: Harvard University, Columbia University, Yale University, University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University.
- Personalized one-on-one LSAT tutoring, No “one size fits all approach here”
- Your place, our place or in between. We can even conduct your sessions online!
- We’ve never not improved a score.
- Hundreds of Odyssey Students reach 170+
- We guarantee you’ll love your tutor or your money back*

We’ve helped hundreds of students elevate their LSAT score and we’re confident that we can help you. We guarantee you’ll love your experience or your money back.
As Seen In:

Look no further than Odyssey for in-person LSAT classes and courses in San Francisco. Our personalized LSAT class is tailored to each individual’s specific requirements. If you’ve been debating whether group classes are right for you, we invite you to schedule a free consultation with us. We’ll assess your current situation and identify the areas of study that will provide the most significant improvement for you. A one-on-one LSAT class tailored to your needs could help you achieve your goals faster.
Our LSAT Class Instructors are not just educators; they’re motivators who strive to inspire you to succeed! We don’t just teach the LSAT; we adapt to your learning style and pinpoint the areas where you can make the greatest strides. Our students often witness a leap of 20+ points! Our LSAT instructors aren’t just well-trained and successful; they possess the skill set to boost your score.
We truly care about you! Our LSAT Class Instructors are deeply committed to student success. We are extremely proud of our specialized techniques and use of the most effective methodologies. Are you willing to make a serious commitment to improving your LSAT score? Schedule your free Strategy Session today!

If you’re ready to get on the path to an unbelievable LSAT score then contact us today to schedule a free Strategy Session to discuss your goals, jumpstart your study plan, and get matched with the perfect LSAT Strategist.
Every point on the LSAT is so precious, you can’t afford to leave anything on the table

“I had a great experience working with Dave! He was super patient, encouraging, and adaptable. He was especially helpful when it came to logic games and figuring out techniques to approach them methodically and efficiently.”

“I’ve had an Incredible Experience with Odyssey LSAT Tutoring so far. First, they’re very prompt in their response, their team is always there to answer all the questions you ever have in a time fashion manner.”

“Incredible. John makes you feel as if you have a personal Tudor guiding you every step of the way. He is such a kind guy. His logic game course is clear and helpful. I encourage it!”

“I worked with Jeff Gardner for 5 months and have nothing but good things to say about him and Odyssey test prep books. I gained 13 points during my 6 months with Jeff! Jeff was very knowledgeable about question types.”

“Dave is an awesome tutor! He broke down the exam in a way that made sense and gave me great test taking strategies, which gave me the confidence to tackle the exam on test day.”

“Before starting lessons with Dave from Odyssey Prep I was really struggling with the LSAT. I had been studying on and off for over a year and a half, had taken both online and in person prep courses, and sat for the LSAT twice, scoring a 163 and 167.”

The LSAT is a standardized test used by law schools as part of the admissions process. It measures reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and analytical writing skills. The LSAT is scored on a scale of 120-180, and most law schools require a score of at least 150 to be considered for admission. There are several ways to prepare for the LSAT, including self-study, courses, and one-on-one tutoring.
Self-study can be a great option for students who can keep themselves disciplined and on track. LSAT Courses in San Francisco can provide structure and support but may not be tailored to each student’s needs. LSAT tutoring in San Francisco is the most expensive option but can be very helpful for students who need more personalized attention.
No matter which method you choose, putting in the time and effort to prepare for the LSAT is essential to increasing your chances of getting into law school.
Top Undergraduate Schools in San Francisco
- University of San Francisco: The University of San Francisco is a private Jesuit university in San Francisco, California. USF was founded in 1855 and has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 7,000 students.
- San Francisco State University: San Francisco State University is a public university in San Francisco, California. SF State was founded in 1899 and has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 28,000 students.
- Santa Clara University: Santa Clara University is a private Jesuit university in Santa Clara, California. SCU was founded in 1851 and has an undergraduate enrollment of approximately 5,000 students.
Amazing Law Schools in San Francisco
The University of California, Hastings College of the Law, is one of the top-ranked law schools in the country and is a great choice for students who want to stay in the Bay Area.
Another option is Golden Gate University School of Law, located in the heart of downtown San Francisco. This school strongly emphasizes practical skills and experiential learning, making it a great choice for students who want to be prepared for their future careers.
Finally, the University of San Francisco School of Law is located in the Financial District. This school offers a unique curriculum that combines legal theory with hands-on experience.
No matter which law school you choose, you will be getting a great education and preparing yourself for a successful career in law.
Bar Exam Resources
The State Bar of California administers the bar exam for all law school graduates who wish to become licensed to practice law in California.
To be eligible for the bar exam, you must first pass the First-Year Law Students’ Exam (commonly known as the Baby Bar).
You can find more information about the bar exam and resources to help you prepare on the State Bar of California’s website.
Bar Associations in San Francisco
The San Francisco Bar Association (SFBA) is a great resource for lawyers in the Bay Area. In addition, the San Mateo County Bar Association (SMCBA) is another great option for lawyers in the Bay Area. Finally, the State Bar of California (SBC) is the statewide bar association for California.
Why San Francisco?
San Francisco is a great place to be a lawyer because it is home to some of the country’s best law schools and many top-ranked law firms. The city is also home to the State Bar of California, the statewide bar association for lawyers in California. In addition, San Francisco has a strong legal community that can provide support and networking opportunities for lawyers.
There are many reasons why San Francisco is a great place to be a lawyer, and if you are considering a career in law, it is worth considering this city as your home.
100% No Risk or Commitment!
Contact us to discuss your goals and jumpstart your study plan!
*We do require that you meet specific criteria to be eligible for our Score Increase and 10+ Point Increase Guarantees. If you do the work, we guarantee you’ll get results. View eligibility criteria here.