Know the Crucial Factors of the Howard Law School Ranking


Howard University School of Law is an esteemed institution embodying a rich history at the core of its mission. Located in Washington D.C., the longtime home of American policymaking, Howard Law has cultivated exceptional legal talent for over 150 years.

With its selective acceptance rate and a ranking that places it among notable law schools, Howard Law is distinct for its profound impact on the legal landscape through its alumni and its emphasis on social justice. This article aims to delve into the nuances of Howard Law School’s ranking, and the various factors that influence its esteemed position, and provide insightful admission statistics, among other aspects, to offer a comprehensive overview of this iconic institution.

Students walking in campus with books and backpacks- Howard Law School Ranking

About Howard Law School

As one of America’s oldest historically Black law schools, Howard University School of Law upholds a distinguished legacy of inclusive excellence that uniquely positions it to meet the legal needs of our increasingly diverse society. For over 150 years since its founding shortly after the Civil War, Howard has opened its doors to welcome qualified students of all races, ethnicities, identities, experiences, and origins, resulting in one of the most vibrantly diverse campuses found at any law school today. 

Out of 500 currently enrolled students from nearly all 50 states and multiple foreign countries, Howard fosters enriching peer-to-peer learning that intensifies the academic rigor of its top-tier legal instruction. Through this, the school continues to produce exceptionally well-rounded, socially conscious graduates ready to promote justice, safeguard rights, and lead the legal profession across all sectors.  

2023-2024 Howard Law School Ranking

Category Ranking
Best Law Schools #125 (tie)
Business/Corporate Law #92 (tie)
Clinical Training #34 (tie)
Constitutional Law #74 (tie)
Contracts/Commercial Law #47 (tie)
Criminal Law #45 (tie)
Environmental Law #125 (tie)
Health Care Law #103 (tie)
Intellectual Property Law #51 (tie)
International Law #50 (tie)
Legal Writing #52 (tie)
Tax Law #109 (tie)
Trial Advocacy #40 (tie)

Howard University School of Law currently holds the No. 125 spot among accredited law schools according to U.S. News and World Report’s rankings. While not the loftiest position, Howard earns immense respect for standing among the top historically Black colleges and universities for law. 

Howard also draws recognition for its exceptional clinical training program, ranked #34 nationwide, which allows students to gain invaluable real-world experience assisting underserved groups. Though Howard Law School rankings provide one view into a law school, at Howard the numbers tell only a fraction of the story. 

By continuing to welcome diverse students whose passion for law is born from a dedication to justice and service, Howard’s qualitative excellence persists regardless of where the rankings place it in any single year. Both past and present students recognize Howard as a prestigious law school not confined to narrow metrics but on the cutting edge of building a more equitable legal landscape for the future.

Factors Affecting the Howard University Law School Rankings

Howard University School of Law holds a rich legacy as a trailblazing institution that opened up the legal profession to countless students of color. While not always reflected through the numbers, Howard’s profound impact on diversifying the attorney ranks and advancing civil rights contributes major value to the legal landscape.

However, U.S. News & World Report relies more heavily on measurable inputs to generate its influential annual law school rankings. The rating publication assesses factors from bar passage rates to employment outcomes to peer reputation surveys. While no ranking system can encapsulate the totality of a law school, analyzing the criteria that shape Howard’s placement provides insight into the school’s changing position. 

Peer Quality Assessment by Legal Professionals

Howard Law boasts a storied history of trailblazing legal firsts, such as producing the formidable Thurgood Marshall who architected the legal strategy to dismantle racial segregation. The school also holds the distinction of contributing more Black attorneys to the legal profession than any law school nationwide. The school also expanded experiential offerings through clinics allowing students to assist disadvantaged groups while honing practical skills.

Evaluating Competitiveness for Howard’s Selectivity

Gaining admission to Howard Law requires standing out as a promising student amid a highly competitive applicant pool. Benchmark statistics on test scores, grades, and acceptance rates help gauge readiness. Yet these metrics serve more as guideposts, not as definitive barriers if your aspirations and experiences demonstrate potential for impact as an attorney.

Howard Law LSAT Score Requirements

To decode LSAT expectations at Howard Law, focus on the 25th to 75th percentile band measuring incoming students’ score distribution the previous year. For Fall 2023’s entering class, this range stretched between 153 at the 25th percentile to 158 at the 75th percentile, with the Howard Law School LSAT median score falling at 155. 

This signifies that 25% of successfully admitted applicants scored 153 or lower, 50% earned 155 or under, and 25% achieved 158 or higher. Aiming to score within the LSAT percentile band or more indicates your likelihood of outperforming at least half of your peers. 

Howard Law School Requirements for GPA

Howard Law’s currently enrolled students carried undergraduate GPAs ranging from 3.2 at the lower threshold up to a 3.64 median in the middle of the distribution. While a previous transcript holding under a 3.2 GPA does not preclude qualifying for admission, aim to keep your grades consistently above that mark to be most competitive. An upward law school GPA trend also helps demonstrate your capability to excel amid the rigors of Howard’s legal training. 

Howard Law School Acceptance Rate

With Howard University Law School’s acceptance rate around 33.6%, this indicates that gaining admission requires distinguishing oneself as a promising legal scholar and community leader-in-the-making capable of one day passing the bar. 

However, let not the percentage discourage you from pursuing this rewarding path if called to serve society through law. You can use a tool called Law School Predictor. It is an invaluable resource for prospective law students, providing an estimate of their prospects of admission based on GPA and LSAT scores. 

Graduate Placement and Bar Passage Success

Gaining admission to an esteemed law school marks only the beginning of the journey toward professional success. The true test comes post-graduation when students must translate rigorous legal training into securing stable employment enabling careers of impact.

Howard University School of Law demonstrates effectiveness in ushering students across this bridge through employment and licensure outcomes. Approximately 77.5% of Howard Law graduates obtain long-term, full-time legal positions, with over half finding roles in competitive national law firms. Additionally, graduates achieved a 65.4% first-time bar exam pass rate in 2022 – an important milestone enabling professional practice.

Howard Law School Faculty Resources

Quality legal education hinges greatly on consistent student access to engaged faculty mentors. Howard University School of Law upholds a favorable student-faculty ratio of 8.1:1, meaning fewer than 10 students per instructor on average. From clinics to mentorship programs, students gain customized coaching in legal skills, networking, and career development from invested faculty members. 

A Woman Writing on a Notebook And Using a Calculator

Howard University Law School Tuition and Financial Aid

The full-time 3-year Juris Doctor program of Howard Law School tuition is set at $38,612 annually as of 2023, amounting to over $100,000 for the complete course of study. This represents a major investment and serious financial consideration, especially starting a career. 

Howard aims to ensure pursuing a law degree remains accessible by facilitating law school scholarships and loan assistance programs to qualifying students. When weighing Howard Law School’s costs, factor in living expenses while unable to work full-time and review all aid options through the school and external funders to formulate an individualized budget. 

While accelerated 2 year law school lessens costs for working professionals, the school however doesn’t offer this program. By analyzing finances aligned with intended career timelines and goals, students gain confidence to fund this meaningful investment in their future legal careers.

Charting Your Career Trajectory After Law School

Given the expensive cost of law school, focusing on employment possibilities and earning potential is critical when deciding what to do after graduation.

How much do lawyers make out of law school? On average, 2020 law school graduates obtained starting salaries of $102,858. However, lawyer pay can vary widely depending on sector and specialization. Private firm salaries range from $48,000 up to $190,000, while public interest and government legal roles often pay under $60,000 despite their tremendous value to society. 

Given the high cost of education, aiming for higher-salary jobs may be necessary to repay debt. By identifying your professional purpose and passions, whether in corporate law or legal aid, you can chart a trajectory toward doing both good and well after completing your Juris Doctor degree.

Law school graduates have many career options, each offering unique opportunities:

  • Corporate Lawyer
  • Patent Attorney
  • Public Defender
  • Legal Services Attorney
  • Immigration Lawyer
  • Environmental Lawyer
  • Family Lawyer
  • Prosecutor
  • Judge
  • Law Professor
  • Legal Analyst
  • Compliance Officer

Kickstart Your Law School Journey by Mastering the LSAT

When applying for admission to selective law schools like Howard University, competitive LSAT scores carry significant weight. This complex, time-pressured exam assesses abilities in logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and reading comprehension vital to excel in legal education. With Howard Law School ranking, the school is expecting incoming students to score around 155, dedicating diligent preparation toward mastering this test can make or break your admission outcomes.

Odyssey Test Prep offers comprehensive services designed specifically to help prospective law students like you build skills, confidence, and strategic perspective to conquer the LSAT:

LSAT Prep Courses

Excel in the LSAT and position yourself for success at Howard Law School with our specialized LSAT Prep Course designed to meet the unique challenges of this prestigious institution. Odyssey’s LSAT classes provide students with LSAT preparation via in-person or online learning sessions, an advanced curriculum tailored to the digital LSAT, and a fully online delivery approach for accessibility. Students receive interactive video lectures, hundreds of official LSAT practice questions, and performance analytics with insights to help them focus their studies.

You can also prepare for LSAT success with our LSAT Free Class, offering the initial three sessions of our full LSAT prep course. Spend a total of 10.5 hours mastering essential strategies and skills crucial for admission to prestigious law schools like Howard.

LSAT Tutoring

Maximize your chances of admission to Howard Law School through personalized LSAT Tutoring, offering targeted support and strategies tailored to the requirements of this esteemed law school. Work one-on-one with an expert LSAT tutor to identify weak areas through a diagnostic exam, then receive personalized coaching tailored to your needs across LSAT sections. Expert guidance helps you progress faster through questions you initially find confusing.

Law School Admissions Consulting

Secure your spot at Howard Law School with our Law School Admissions Consulting, where seasoned experts guide you in crafting a standout application. Partner with a law school admissions expert to develop a comprehensive application strategy personalized for your target law schools, including Howard. Guidance on crafting essays, accumulating work/volunteer experience, obtaining letters of recommendation, and more can maximize your admission outcomes.

Final Thoughts

Howard Law School rankings should undoubtedly play a role when evaluating programs, however, prospective students would be remiss to focus solely on the numbers. Factors like specialty concentrations, location, campus culture, hands-on learning through clinics, and alumni network reach are equally important considerations. Applicants should determine which aspects make a given law school stand out. 

Let us help you start the law school admissions process if you’re overwhelmed! Odyssey Test Prep creates customized Admissions Roadmaps for law students. It’s your custom game plan for admissions success. We’ll have a chat to understand your goals, experience, strengths, and such. Then our experts will map out the ideal timeline for you.

Let us guide you so you feel prepared, confident, and ready to apply to Howard Law School!

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