Our Guarantee

Perfect Fit Guarantee.

Each Package providing for Tutoring Hours comes with Odyssey’s “Perfect Fit Guarantee” as described in this paragraph. If you purchase a Package with a Perfect Fit Guarantee, the Package is non-refundable thirty (30) days after the purchase. After your initial tutoring session with one of Odyssey’s tutors, you may notify us by email to [email protected] prior to your next scheduled tutoring session that you would like a different tutor for any reason or no reason. In such an event, we will provide you with a new tutor, and your initial tutoring session will not count toward your Tutoring Hours. In the event that you are not happy with or satisfied with the second tutor we provide you, you may, prior to your next scheduled tutoring session, reach out to [email protected] to request a full refund of the purchase price of your Package. All refund requests and tutor switches must be made within thirty (30) days from the day of purchase of the Package.

Score Increase Guarantee.

Some of Odyssey’s Tutoring Packages come with Odyssey’s “Score Increase Guarantee” as described in this paragraph. To qualify for Odyssey’s Score Increase Guarantee you must:

  1. Have purchased a Tutoring Package that comes with Odyssey’s Score Increase Guarantee
  2. Have completed the entirety of your Tutoring Package. All tutoring hours of your Package must be completed
  3. Your Highest Practice Test Score and your Actual GRE Score (after working with Odyssey) must be equal to or lower than your Initial Diagnostic Practice Test and Your Actual GRE Score (before working with Odyssey if one exists). If you see improvements in your Practice Test Scores but for some reason it doesn’t translate to your Actual GRE Administration you do not qualify for the Score Increase Guarantee since your Practice Test Scores did increase. We do not guarantee test day performance as there are too many variables to control, however we do guarantee that you’ll have all the skills necessary to perform well on test day as evidenced by your Practice Test Scores.
  4. Respond to any and all outreach by your Success Coordinator and any and all outreach by your Accountability Coach within 3 days of receiving a message from them. This ensures that we have the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to your study plan throughout the duration of your studying. If you choose not to engage fully (as described above) with your Success Coordinator or your Accountability Coach you do not qualify for the Score Increase Guarantee.
  5. Complete at least 12 full-length, fully timed, official GRE practice tests
  6. Complete all work assigned by your tutor during the duration of your Tutoring Package
  7. Take the Actual GRE after completing the entirety of your Tutoring Package

To claim the Score Increase Guarantee, you must (i) submit proof of your original GRE score before the program, (ii) provide documentation of your highest score on the actual GRE or the highest score on your practice tests, (iii) provide documentation that you responded, within 3 days, to regular check-in emails from our success coordinators and accountability coaches during your tutoring program, and (iv) provide documentation that you took the Actual GRE after completing the entirety of your Tutoring Package and received an Official GRE Score.

If all required information is submitted and approved, and your score did not increase as outlined in the stipulations above, you will be eligible for the following:

For Tutoring Packages: You will be credited back an equal number of tutoring hours as was in the package you originally purchased. You may choose to be matched with a new tutor at no cost. For in-person tutoring packages, in the case that an in-person tutor is not available in your location, you will be matched with one of our top online tutors.

This guarantee may only be redeemed once. You may reach out to [email protected] with the required documentation to qualify and claim for the Score Increase Guarantee. Our Score Increase Guarantee does not qualify you for a refund of any portion of your tuition; it only qualifies you for a continuation of services as outlined above.


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