Your Admission Guide to Capital Law School


Are you considering a career in law and seeking a law school that combines practical experience with convenience and excellent job prospects? Let’s delve into what makes Capital Law School a unique choice for aspiring legal professionals. Here, you’ll find flexible learning options, hands-on experience, and a strategic location that opens doors to numerous employment opportunities. 

A professor talking to a student who is typing on the laptop

About Capital University Law School

Founded in 1903, Capital University Law School is a leader in legal education, constantly adapting to meet the legal profession’s needs. The school is committed to inclusive legal education with a history of providing opportunities for future lawyers. Located in downtown Columbus, Ohio, Capital Law School offers specialized LLM degrees in Business and Taxation, catering to new and seasoned professionals in these fields.

The school’s commitment to real-world learning is evident in its curriculum, which integrates practical experience within and outside the classroom. This approach ensures that graduates are knowledgeable and ready to thrive in their legal careers. The school is located strategically close to significant legal and business institutions like the Ohio Supreme Court, the Statehouse, the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, and several courts and corporate headquarters. This proximity improves the hands-on learning experiences for students.

Understanding the diverse needs of its students, Capital University Law School offers flexible scheduling for its J.D. program. Whether you’re looking for a traditional full-time or part-time program that allows for day or evening classes, the school accommodates various lifestyles and career trajectories, ensuring that legal education is accessible to all.

Is Capital Law School a Good School?

When evaluating the excellence of a law school, various elements must be considered, including its position in rankings, the rate at which its graduates pass the bar exam, and their employment prospects. Let’s examine how the school performs in these crucial aspects.

Capital Law School Ranking

Rank Category
#175 Best Law Schools (tie)
#64-70 Part-time Law
#164 Business/Corporate Law (tie)
#174 Clinical Training (tie)
#158 Constitutional Law (tie)
#174 Contracts/Commercial Law (tie)
#182 Criminal Law (tie)
#172 Environmental Law (tie)
#174 Health Care Law (tie)
#187 Intellectual Property Law (tie)
#149 Tax Law (tie)
#158 Trial Advocacy (tie)

According to recent rankings, Capital University Law School is currently ranked No. 175 (tie) among the Best Law Schools. Additionally, it holds a commendable position of No. 64-70 in Part-time Law. These rankings reflect the school’s dedication to providing quality legal education in full-time and part-time formats.

Bar Passage Rate

A critical indicator of a law school’s effectiveness is its bar passage rate. For Capital Law School, the 2022 first-time bar passage rate was 73%. This statistic is a testament to the school’s commitment to preparing students thoroughly for their legal careers, particularly for the crucial bar examination.

Employment Rate

In 2022, out of 134 graduates, 54.5% were able to secure long-term, full-time legal positions. The employment rate of its graduates serves as a crucial indicator of the institution’s effectiveness in preparing individuals for their careers. This rate demonstrates the school’s ability to educate and facilitate career opportunities for its students in the legal field.

To assist you in smoothly maneuvering through the law school application process, Law School Data offers a rich resource hub where you can access vital information, engage with fellow applicants, and acquire knowledge about the intricacies of law school admissions. This platform is essential for aspiring law students, providing support and guidance throughout their journey.

Is it Hard to Get into Capital University Law School?

When considering the challenge of gaining admission, a key statistic is the acceptance rate. For 2022, the Capital Law School acceptance rate stands at 67.5%. This figure indicates that many applicants successfully secure a place while the school maintains a selective admissions process. This acceptance rate reflects the school’s commitment to offering access to a diverse range of students, balancing selectivity with inclusivity in its admissions approach.

What LSAT Score Do I Need for Capital Law School?

Understanding the LSAT score requirements is crucial when aiming for admission. The Capital Law School LSAT scores of admitted students typically range from the 25th to the 75th percentile, which lies between 148 and 155. The median LSAT score for all program entrants stands at 151.

To boost your chances of gaining admission, it is advisable to aim for a score of 151 or above. Achieving this score positions you well within the competitive range of applicants. For comprehensive guidance on preparing for the LSAT, refer to the LSAT guide, which offers valuable tips and strategies to help you meet or exceed the Capital Law School LSAT score requirement.

What GPA Do I Need for Capital Law School?

Gaining admission to Capital University Law School begins with completing your undergraduate degree from an accredited university. While the school doesn’t prioritize any specific major, the focus on your GPA is quite significant. The Capital Law School GPA range for the 25th to 75th percentile of admitted students is between 2.96 and 3.64, with the median undergraduate GPA being 3.33.

A GPA of 3.33 or above is advised to improve your chance of admission. This level of academic achievement indicates to the admissions panel that you have the required academic ability and are adequately equipped for the rigors of law school. Opt for a major that genuinely interests you and can help you achieve a higher GPA. 

Woman Holding Red Book Binder

Capital University Law School Admission Checklists

With Capital Law School’s acceptance rate being considerably high, it’s vital to understand the specific law school requirements to enhance your chances of admission. Here’s a detailed overview:

1. Complete the Online Application

Start by filling out the Law School Admission Council Online Application. This is your first step towards applying to Capital University Law School.

2. Register for and Take the LSAT

The Law School Admission Test is essential to your application. Your LSAT scores are already included in your Credential Assembly Service (CAS) Report. This makes the procedure easier because you don’t have to submit your scores separately.

3. Register and Submit Transcripts to CAS

Registration for CAS is mandatory. You are required to submit all undergraduate and, if applicable, graduate transcripts to CAS. This service compiles and submits your academic records and LSAT scores to law schools.

4. Personal Statement

Your law school personal statement offers a glimpse into your personality and motivations for pursuing a legal career. This should include your inspirations, motivations, and future goals, going beyond mere academic achievements.

5. Resume

A well-crafted law school resume should illustrate skills vital for a legal career, such as leadership, communication, and commitment. Highlight your work, volunteering, extracurricular activities, and any honors or awards to demonstrate your well-roundedness.

6. Letter of Recommendation

Two law school letters of recommendation are required to validate your academic and personal qualities. These should ideally come from professors or, if you’ve been out of academia for a while, from professional supervisors.

7. Optional Essays

You can submit an addendum and a diversity statement. The addendum allows you to address any weaker aspects of your application, such as a lower GPA or LSAT score. The diversity statement is your chance to share unique experiences and perspectives that can enrich the Capital University Law community.

Capital Law School Tuition and Financial Aid

Program Resident Fees Resident Annual Fees Non-Resident Fees Non-Resident Annual Fees
Full-Time $41,035 $350 $41,035 $350
Part-Time $36,790 $240 $36,790 $240
Full-Time (Per Credit) $1,415 $350 $1,415 $350
Part-Time (Per Credit) $1,415 $240 $1,415 $240

The financial aspect of pursuing a legal education is an essential consideration for many prospective students. For those looking at the full-time program, the annual Capital Law School tuition is $41,035 for residents. If you’re leaning towards a part-time program, the yearly tuition is $36,790. These figures reflect the commitment required to embark on a legal education journey. However, it’s important to note that Capital University offers a range of law school scholarships and financial aid options to help ease this financial commitment.

In an impressive display of commitment to making legal education accessible, the school provided scholarships to 100% of the students who entered in the Fall of 2023. This widespread availability of financial aid underscores the school’s dedication to supporting its students financially. 

Tips for Admission to Capital University Law School

Applying to Capital University Law School requires a strategy that highlights both your academic capabilities and personal qualities. To maximize your chances of admission, it’s crucial to understand how to present a compelling application that aligns with the school’s values and standards.

  • Thoroughly Proofread Your Application:

Given Capital Law School acceptance rate, your chances of admission are favorable with the right scores and a well-prepared application. However, simple formatting, spelling, or grammar errors can significantly diminish your application’s strength. To avoid this, meticulously proofread your entire application, including your resume. 

  • In-depth Research About the School:

To truly impress the admissions committee, show a deep understanding of the school’s mission, goals, and achievements. Incorporate this research into your personal statement, demonstrating that you have thoughtfully chosen Capital Law as the ideal place for your legal studies. Creating a law school application timeline is essential to stay organized and ensure you don’t miss any critical deadlines, and remember that applying early can be advantageous.

  • Obtain a High LSAT Score:

Obtaining a high LSAT score is critical in strengthening your law school application. It reflects your analytical and reasoning skills and significantly boosts your chances of admission into prestigious law schools like Capital Law. A strong LSAT score is often a key determinant in scholarship decisions, making it an essential goal for prospective law students aiming for academic and financial success.

Excel on the LSAT with a Comprehensive LSAT Course

The LSAT is a pivotal component in the journey to law school, serving as a critical measure of a candidate’s aptitude for the demanding nature of legal studies. Excelling in the LSAT elevates your law school application and opens doors to prestigious institutions and significant scholarship opportunities.

Odyssey’s specialized services are crafted to assist you in maximizing your LSAT performance and navigating the law school admissions process effectively:

LSAT Prep Course

Prepare for success at Capital Law School with our comprehensive LSAT Prep Course. The LSAT prep course includes comprehensive study materials, extensive practice tests, and in-depth coverage of all test sections. This course is structured to build a solid foundation in the skills required for the LSAT, ensuring you are well-prepared and confident on test day.

LSAT Tutoring

For a more personalized approach, our LSAT tutoring service offers individual sessions tailored to your unique learning style and areas of improvement. Expert tutors will guide you through challenging topics, providing strategies and insights to enhance your understanding and bolster your LSAT score. Elevate your LSAT scores with personalized tutoring, tailored to ensure your readiness for Capital Law School and boost your chances of admission.

Law School Admission Consulting

Beyond LSAT preparation, Odyssey offers admission consulting services, which includes an Admissions Roadmap. This roadmap is a strategic guide through the admissions process, from selecting the right law schools to submitting a standout application. It covers essential aspects like crafting an impressive personal statement, preparing for interviews, and understanding the application process, ensuring you present the strongest application possible. Navigate the path to Capital Law School with confidence with our expert admissions consulting service!


Deciding on the ideal law school is a crucial milestone in your journey as an aspiring lawyer. Now, with a deeper understanding of what Capital Law School has to offer and the importance of seeking expert guidance for the LSAT and the overall law school process, you should feel more informed and confident about your decision.

Choosing a law school that supports your academic growth can be instrumental in shaping a successful legal career.

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