LSAT Flex: What You Need to Know


COVID-19 has been changing the norms of everyday life, including the law school admissions process. Test centers have had constant last-minute cancellations, making it difficult to get a spot for exams like the LSAT. To accommodate stay-at-home orders and avoid inevitable cancellations, the Law School Admissions Council released the LSAT Flex. This online version of the LSAT can be taken from the comfort of your own home.

This article will give you insight into LSAT Flex rules, is the LSAT Flex still available, the difference between LSAT and LSAT Flex, and many more.

A proctor giving instructions to his students before the exam- LSAT Flex

What is the LSAT Flex?

What is the LSAT? The LSAT, which stands for Law School Admission Test, is a standardized exam required for admission to all ABA-accredited law schools in the United States and Canada. The test is developed and administered by the Law School Admission Council.

The LSAT Flex is the remote version of the LSAT created during COVID-19. Understanding the LSAT Flex test format and duration is key to preparing for this important exam required for law school admission. It contains 3 LSAT sections only. This abbreviated length enabled at-home testing. Each section was weighted evenly to determine the final score.

While shorter than the traditional 4-section LSAT, the LSAT Flex retains the same question types that assess skills like analytical reasoning, reading, and logical thinking. ProctorU software monitors test takers to maintain exam security and integrity. The reduced length and remote format provide flexibility during the pandemic.

How Long Is the LSAT Flex: Duration and Sections

Understanding the LSAT Flex sections and LSAT Flex time is key to preparing for this important law school admission exam.

The LSAT-Flex contains only 3 scored multiple-choice sections:

  • 1 Logical Reasoning
  • 1 Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games)
  • 1 Reading Comprehension

The total testing time is around 2 hours without any break. This is shorter than the 3.5+ hour traditional LSAT. The shortened sections enable test takers to complete the exam from home. While condensed, it contains one of each core section type. The weighting is adjusted – Logical Reasoning is only 33% instead of 50% as on the regular LSAT.

You must also complete the Writing Sample, accessed separately through your LSAC account. While the LSAT Flex time is reduced, thorough preparation on the specific sections and stamina needed remains essential. Understanding the format will help you demonstrate your ability on the exam.

Curious about how your LSAT raw score translates into your scaled score? Check out our comprehensive guide on LSAT Raw Score Conversion to understand the process and estimate your final score.

Is The LSAT Flex Still Available?

The LSAT Flex was introduced in 2020 as a remote option for taking the LSAT during COVID-19 test center closures and restrictions. This online version of the test allowed flexible scheduling and at-home testing. As students look ahead to the 2023- 2024 application cycle, a common question arises – is the LSAT Flex still available?

The answer is no, the LSAT Flex is no longer an option starting August 2021. The Law School Admission Council has resumed administration of the standard 4-section LSAT at authorized test centers. Seating capacity is increasing back to normal pre-pandemic levels. Experience the format and question types of the real exam with our Free LSAT Practice Test. Gauge your readiness and identify areas for improvement to boost your LSAT score.

LSAT Flex Rules and Guidelines

Here’s a detailed overview of the requirements and features of the LSAT Flex, which was a temporary adaptation of the standard LSAT exam. 

Technical Requirements

The LSAT Flex required a laptop or desktop computer for the test due to software incompatibility with mobile devices and Chromebooks. The exam was delivered through a platform known as ProctorU, which also administers other standardized tests such as the GMAT and GRE. Participants were required to have functional webcams and microphones, as they were monitored and timed throughout the examination. 

Time Allocation

It featured a condensed time frame compared to the standard LSAT. Test-takers were given approximately 2 hours to complete the exam, as opposed to the typical 3 hours and 30 minutes. Therefore, individuals who had previously struggled with timing and endurance on the LSAT may have found the LSAT Flex advantageous.

Absence of Break Periods

Unlike the standard LSAT, the LSAT Flex did not include break periods. Participants were required to complete the examination in a single, uninterrupted block of approximately 2 hours.

Location Flexibility

It offered the advantage of location flexibility, enabling test-takers to complete the exam from any location that met the technical requirements. Students must perform a room scan prior to starting to show no unauthorized materials are present.

Scratch Paper Guidelines

The LSAT Flex permitted scratch paper, with a limitation of five sheets per test-taker. All types of paper—lined, unlined, and graphing—were acceptable. Legal pads also emerged as a viable option for scratch paper.

Accommodations for Special Circumstances

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) offered various accommodations for test-takers with disabilities. Furthermore, candidates lacking the required computer hardware could request a loaned device from LSAC. Alternative examination locations were also available for those without a suitable home environment.

Score Preview Option

LSAC provided a score preview feature specifically for first-time LSAT Flex test-takers. Participants interested in availing themselves of this service could do so for a fee, either before or after the exam.

Limitations on Test Attempts

Despite its distinct format, the LSAT Flex was subject to the same restrictions as the standard LSAT. This included limitations on the number of attempts, capped at three times annually and seven times within a lifetime.

If you’re getting ready for the LSAT and want to know what to expect, our LSAT Practice Questions resource is a great place to start. We’ve created the questions to cover all of the LSAT’s key parts, so you’ll get valuable practice and find areas for development.

A woman using her laptop while taking notes

LSAT Flex vs. Traditional LSAT

You might be wondering about the difference between LSAT and LSAT Flex. Both exams aim to assess your skills for law school, but you should know some key differences.

Features: LSAT vs LSAT Flex Traditional LSAT LSAT Flex
Number of Sections This exam version has four sections in total, not including the ungraded LSAT Writing portion taken separately. The test comprises two Logical Reasoning sections, one Analytical Reasoning section, and one Reading Comprehension section. Additionally, there’s an ungraded ‘experimental’ section. You get a 15-minute break after completing the third section. The LSAT Flex format has three sections, not counting the ungraded LSAT Writing section. It includes one each of Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, and Reading Comprehension. No ‘experimental’ sections or breaks are part of this version.
Test Length Approximately 3.5 hours, including breaks Approximately 2 hours with no scheduled breaks
Test Locations The traditional LSAT is taken at a designated testing center. This version can be taken from the comfort of your home and is proctored remotely via webcam.
Test Length Approximately 3.5 hours, including breaks Approximately 2 hours with no scheduled breaks
Scoring Weight Logical Reasoning is 50% of the score, Reading Comprehension and Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games) are 25% of each Logical Reasoning is 33% of the score, Reading Comprehension and Analytical Reasoning are 33% each
Question Types Same question types
Content Difficulty Same level of difficulty

If you are looking for effective ways to boost your LSAT score, consider our two main services: the LSAT Prep Course and LSAT Tutoring. Our prep course offers a structured study plan and collaborative learning environment, while the tutoring option provides personalized attention to tackle your weak areas.

Tips On How to Prepare for the LSAT

First and foremost, the LSAT and the LSAT Flex share the same difficulty level. It is essential to note that the LSAT Flex was only offered through June 2021 and has since been discontinued. As such, candidates preparing for the LSAT should focus on the current format. Here are some tips on how to study for the LSAT and get the score you want:

1. Understand the Test Structure

Understanding the test format is one of the best methods to reduce test-day anxiety. There are 4 sections of the LSAT: Logical Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, and one experimental section (unscored). Understanding the complexity of these parts might provide a good basis for your study strategy.

2. Gather Study Materials

Begin your preparation by collecting high-quality LSAT study guides, ideally including practice questions and mock tests. Some guides even offer built-in timers to help you get a sense of the test’s timing constraints.

3. Enroll in the LSAT Prep Course

Prepare for the LSAT with a reliable LSAT Prep Course, especially if you thrive in a structured learning environment. These courses offer a comprehensive curriculum designed by LSAT experts. You’ll get access to various resources, including practice tests, study guides, and live lectures. The course usually follows a set schedule, which can help you maintain your study discipline.

4. Consider LSAT Tutoring

Get personalized help with LSAT tutoring. Improve your weak areas and develop tailored strategies with a tutor. Unlike prep courses, tutoring sessions are often more flexible and can be scheduled around your availability. Ace the LSAT with top-ranked LSAT tutors. They can provide you with immediate feedback, enabling you to make quicker improvements.

5. Create a Study Schedule

Consistency is the name of the game. Outline a study plan that spreads your prep time across weeks or months. Stick to this schedule to make the most of your preparation time.

6. Take Timed Practice Tests

The LSAT is a timed exam, therefore, time management is essential.  Regularly taking timed practice tests can make you comfortable with the exam’s pace and structure.

7. Review and Adjust

After completing each practice test, spend some time reviewing your answers, especially the ones you got wrong. Understand why you made those errors and adjust your strategies and focus areas accordingly.

8. Stay Healthy

A balanced diet and proper sleep can significantly affect your performance. Make sure you are well-rested before the test day.

For expert guidance on the intricate steps of the law school admission process, Law School Admission Consulting can be invaluable. Odyssey provides tailored recommendations on everything from school selection to essay writing and interview preparation. Get admitted into your dream law school with the help of experienced professionals. With their expert advice, you can confidently move through the admission steps.


The LSAT Flex provided an important flexible testing option during the pandemic. Now that the standard LSAT has resumed, be sure to focus your preparation accordingly. As you get ready for upcoming administrations, take advantage of our LSAT Free Consultation. You can inquire about the best study plans and resources for the current LSAT. Get your questions answered about format, scoring, strategies, and even how to create a standout law school application.

With diligent study using reputable resources, you can master the LSAT and achieve your target LSAT score.

Sign up for our FREE 3-Week LSAT Class trial now! Click here to register